Ep 72 - 8:00pm In The Web Of Deceit & Love (LIVE from the FAME venue on Broadway) Pt 4 of 5


We asked 100 audience members, "Where you at?" 01:12:44                                                      &nbsp…

We asked 100 audience members, "Where you at?"


01:12:44                                                              Writer/Editor:  SK Morton                                   CoHost:  Pete Feliciano                                         Producer/Sound Engineer:  Squidge McSqueezy Guests: Pokee & Eric the camera guy says things

Ep 72 - 8:00pm In The Web Of Deceit & Love

One might ask, what qualities does SK Morton have that would compel me to listen to his Lousy Podcast? The answer: He's in bed each night, promptly at 9:00, and he's a stickler for regular meals.

These attributes, along with connections to the Tanzanian mob, are what persuaded a fraction of dozens of people to ignore practically an hour of audio distortion and sit through this week's episode featuring a performance by Pete Feliciano, Eric the camera guy, and a round of Card Sharks with, not entirely horrified audience member, Pokee. 

The object this week, was to review the current scene of San Francisco and crack wise. We started with the great black-out of '17 and moved on to evidence that the BART Warm Springs station has hit the ground halting. We talked about The City's handling of transportation and water and finally, thankfully, ended the updates section with a story about the local origins of the term April 4th.

SK then made an earnest attempt at killing time with another ill-conceived game show and even a little SF history about the Bay and Sir Francis Drake.

So take a listen and then off to bed. But first, how 'bout a snack.